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About me

Hey there! I'm an Industrial Designer with a passion for creating a user-centered design. My background in industrial design and work experience has given me a strong understanding of the design process and an ability to think creatively and strategically about solving problems. I'm a user-centered designer who is passionate about creating intuitive and efficient workflows, accompanied by stories, metaphors, and elements that make them a unique and memorable experience.


I love bringing ideas to life through UX research, visual design, prototyping, storytelling, and testing. I am always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to approach design challenges.

When I'm not designing, you can find me hiking and spending time in nature, or exploring new things and environments.


Let's create new experiences together!

I would love to connect and collaborate with you on your next project.

¡Hit me up and let’s make some magic happen! ✨

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